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Developer Builds Available
19 Апр 2010, 21:29

Since it's been over a year since the last news post, I would like to clarify the state of AMX Mod X development. As you have probably guessed, I no longer have time to work on it. When we started this thing in 2003/2004, it was a full-time deal (i.e. most of us were students). Most C++ developers in the HL1 scene have moved on, either to full-time jobs or other projects.

That's okay though - it's a solid product, and for what it set out to do, it's feature complete and doesn't have too many outstanding bugs.

As for the nagging question, "when is the next release?" AMX Mod X has lots of legacy constraints which makes QA cycles more difficult. I don't see myself having time to oversee a 1.8.2 in the foreseeable future.

I don't want to deter anyone else from stepping up to the plate though. If you want to post patches (in the bug system), please do! I will still review patches, check them in, give people commit access, etc - whatever they need to get work done.

Категория: Программы для C.S | Добавил: Admin
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